Why You Should Keep Hiring During the Holidays

Recruiting around the holidays might seem unusual, but it's a wise choice. While many companies slow down between Thanksgiving and New Year's, there are some solid reasons to keep recruiting. In this blog, we'll break down four key reasons why you should keep your hiring efforts going during this time, and we'll keep things easy to understand.

What are some reasons to keep hiring during the holidays?

Get a Head Start: Starting new projects in January means you need a ready team. Having your team set for the new year reduces waiting time, and delays, and makes things run smoother.

Fresh Beginnings: The holiday season is when people often think about their careers. This self-reflective time makes them open to exploring new job opportunities.

Show Your Dedication: Job seekers who look for jobs during the holidays show they're determined and hardworking. These are qualities you'd want in your new hires.

Flexible Schedules: Employees often need to take time off before the year ends. Candidates are more comfortable taking time off for interviews during the holidays.

Ways to make the most of the holiday season in your hiring process

Lay the Groundwork

Clearly define the positions you want to fill and know what your ideal candidates look like. This involves understanding the responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications for each position.

A well-defined job description is essential for attracting candidates who are the right fit for your company.

Create a detailed picture of the ideal candidates you’re looking for.

Set expectations that fit with your company's values and culture. By doing this, you can target individuals who have the skills and experience but also resonate with the culture your business upholds. This ensures that your efforts are not only efficient but also more likely to attract candidates who are a perfect match for your team. This will enhance the long-term success and cohesion of your business.

Use Technology

Adding technology can be a real game-changer for your holiday recruiting efforts. By using the right tools, you can streamline and enhance your hiring process.

Tech tools, like an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) with ApplicantList, can manage everyday hiring tasks. This tool will allow you to focus on evaluating the cultural fit of candidates and ensuring a seamless hiring experience.

Set Goals

How can you set goals for your holiday season recruiting?

This could include a target number of hires, a timeline for filling positions, or specific skills you're seeking in candidates. Realistic goals help you stay on track and measure your progress effectively.

Planning ahead allows you to distribute your resources wisely. You can budget for advertising, recruitment tools, and any additional support you may need during the holiday season. This ensures that you're well-prepared and can provide a better experience for job seekers. Good communication, organized interviews, and timely follow-ups make candidates feel positive about their experience. This, in turn, enhances your employer's brand and reputation.

Get Ahead of the Game

Hiring in December means your new team members can start the year strong. It's actually more productive than waiting until the new year.

Excellent candidates don't stop looking for jobs during the holidays. They're organized and hardworking, making them great hires.

When is the perfect time for candidates to change jobs?

The end of the year is a prime time for job seekers to contemplate career changes.

Recruiting in December is helpful because it's more flexible for both job seekers and recruiters. With fewer meetings and less travel during the holiday season, setting up interviews is easier. This gives you a better chance to attract skilled workers who are already thinking about changing jobs. You can benefit from candidates exploring new job options during this thoughtful time of year.

With fewer meetings and less travel on the calendar during the holiday season, interviews become more convenient.

The holiday season doesn't have to mean a break in your hiring efforts. By using smart strategies, you can stay competitive in the talent market. While you enjoy your well-deserved holiday break, remember that job seekers are actively looking, and you can still make progress in building your dream team for the coming year.

If you want help hiring this season, give us a call.

Shamie Emerson

For 16 years, Shamie had the privilege of owning and managing her own business, where she learned invaluable lessons about the challenges and rewards of running a small business. This hands-on experience instilled in her a deep understanding of the workings of businesses and the importance of effective marketing in driving growth and success.

This entrepreneurial background has been a driving force behind her transition into the world of marketing. She harnesses the skills, insights, and determination cultivated during those years to create strategic, results-oriented marketing campaigns for companies like Hire Dimensions.


The Power of Applicant Tracking Systems